martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Cayambe is one of several volcanoes to climb in Ecuador.

Water enthusiasts of the whitewater persuasion should head east to Tena or Baños. Located on the jungle’s doorstep, these two quaint colonial-style towns compete for the title of “Whitewater Capital of South America.” Kayakers and rafters from all over the world flock here, to the headwaters of the Amazon. Rapids begin at Class III and only get stronger. Rainforest treks are also a fantastic — though not necessarily drier — way to see eastern Ecuador. Most guided trips last three to 10 days and often include hiking, visits to native Indian tribes and canoeing.
Ecuador’s ultimate adventure lies in the central corridor, along the backbone of the Andes. Some of the world’s highest volcanoes can be found here and the summits of several of them are accessible to mountaineers of any skill level. I am an experienced hiker, but had no prior experience in alpine climbing. Nonetheless, I summited Gua-Gua Pinchincha (4,785 meters), Cayambe (5,760 meters) and Cotopaxi (5,913 meters).

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